Not loft boarding this time... Hubby and I seem to go through an inordinate amount of washing, as I'm sure most households do. It seems an endless cycle of washing, drying (ironing in the hubby's case) and folding/hanging to put away. And it's multiplied again since our darling sprog came into the world!!
We have a clothes horse, but we were, frankly, getting tired of walking around it. We could use the garden, but I've been a bit wary as although they've finished our section of the development, we still get a fair bit of dust blowing around from the next phase. So - I looked in the lakeland catalogue and found the lofti. We had a £10 voucher to use quickly and I thought this might be an ideal solution. If it didn't work we could send back. Nothing ventured... So we picked it up and found it had no instructions. :( Anyway, a quick google later and we found the youtube vid by the manufacturers on how to construct it. I'll be honest, our initial confusion was compounded by a miscount (not that I blame the hubby, but he was holding the box counting, just sayin') of the tube sections. Five poles divided by 14 doesn't go... what's that, I counted them again and there were 15? Oh, that makes more sense........
Anyway, I installed it the other night and after a few too many holes in the ceiling and a baton detector getting chucked in the bin (knocking on the plasterboard to find the beams was much more effective!) we have a drier. So the idea is you can lower to load it and then pull it up and tie the cord around like you would a roman blind cord. It's a really old idea but with aluminium bars rather than the heavy wooden ones.
We're fortunate to have a utility which it fits in perfectly, but when we didn't think it would fit we considered putting it over our bath (we normally use the shower in the en suite). The advantage of both locations is that they are right next to extractor fans, so it'll take the moisture away.
We can duck underneath without too much hassle to get to the microwave etc, and it probably only takes one load at a time, but it's certainly better than scooting round the drier in the kitchen.
It's up...
...and down