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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Mirror mirror on the wall

So I've recently gone to being a full time Mum (my choice and very lucky/happy), with another little one on the way in September I know I have a small window of opportunity to get everything in the house sorted before chaos of two under two takes over.

This is the first post in my lounge series. I've been busy redecorating in there, but haven't quite finished yet, so more to follow on that later… but I recently took a mirror from my grandfather's house when we were clearing it out after he passed. It had been on their landing for years, and I wanted something of theirs to remember the house by. When we got it home I was glad I had it but it didn't really fit the look I was going for. I was somewhat relieved to find that it wasn't a priceless antique but from Wilko… should've known my thrifty Grandpa wouldn't spend more than he had to (I come from a long line of bargain hunters/DIYers/fixer-uppers!).

That was a relief because I could keep it, but not have to feel guilty about giving it a makeover. Here it is (with one side painted… remembered just in time to get a before photo!

And a close up shot

1. So  first up I gave it a good clean, masking taped the edges and used a multipurpose primer.

2. I used the darker colour of my decorative palate as the base (Iced Latte by Home of Colour - Homebase own brand).

3. Then I got quite a dry brush with the lighter colour (White Scatter, Crown earth balance range) and just ran it over the paint lightly so that it would bring out the detailing.

I'm really happy with this as I get to keep the Wilko air loom(!) and trigger memories of waking up to their radio alarm clock (normally Radio 4) on visits to them, and at the same time not compromise on the vision I have for the room. Also, because all the paint was already in the house and it didn't take much, I've saved money by not buying a new mirror - and as I think we've established, Grandpa would approve! ;)

I'll be sure to add a photo when it's up in situ.

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